Monday, 17 September 2012

1st Post!!

Hi readers!!

I'm Clara, a sixteen year old girl, student at the Lycée Français of Madrid.
I love listening to music and I'm fan of Deadmou5Nicki Minaj and Bob Marley. But I like all kind of music from Reggae to Dubstep. My favorite actor is Johnny Deep, I have him on a podium.

I play flute and a little bit of piano, but my passion is dancing Hip Hop, Funky or wathever.

I like tralleving and normally in summer I go to diferent places. I've been in Mexico, China, United Kindom, France and Perú. My dream is to go to Australia I don't know why but I think it's an interesting trip. This summer I went to California to see a friend and to practise a little bit my English.

 This an Image of Bob Marley!!

See you very soon!    (:

1 comment:

  1. Buenas Piruleta, solo decirte que tus gustos son para morrrrrrirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. BOB MARLEY? me tomas el pelooooo? buah..*_____*Tengo un poster en mi cuarto. y desdemau5. Solo decirte que se te ha olvidado poner que tu comida favorita son los macarrones :)
