Thursday, 15 November 2012

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

The lexical field of loneliness includes words such as "only one", "empty", "alone" and "lonely". The imagery  associated with it is found in the lines 1, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11.They also connote ideas of isolation, rejection, regret and basically unhappiness. Besides, this convey a feeling of loss and lack as if the singer was lacking love, friendship and affection.

     Line 11: "My shallow heart that's beating"
     Line 14/15: "The line that divides me"
     Line 20: "Check my vital signs... I'm still alive"
These are three images closely related to the body and mind, with a common point between them. it sounds as if the man is lifeless, probably because his life doesn't have sense to him as he has no reason for living. He needs love/hope to fill  his heart/ mind, in order to feel alive.

The topographical reference included in the title is "boulevard" which refers to a wide road usually full of people, lines with trees and shops. So it connotes luxury, dreams, money, glamour, happiness, fame (the famous Sunset Boulevard) but in this song it's full of broken dreams. Then we find three other kinds/types/ sorts of topographical references:

  •  A road is mentioned but it is said to have no destination; "don't know where it goes" even though a road usually leads somewhere.
  • A street is also mentioned but it's empty where as streets usually convey ideas of activity, crowded side walks heavy traffic.
  • The "city sleeps" whereas big cities usually never sleeps as they are always very busy lively... Therefore, it seems that all these places are lifeless, like the main character of the song

The "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is a metaphor for the ups and downs anybody can go through in their lives. Everybody experiences hardships and has their dreams and hopes shattered because life isn't a "bed of roses". When this happens, we often feel depressed, lonely, sad, like the singer of this song. 

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